Is Wood Badge Training For You?

Earlier this month, I served on staff for another Wood Badge course… this time as Senior Patrol Leader. What a great time it was to be surrounded again by incredible people wanting to do their best in a program that changes lives (and I thought being a Troop Guide was fun!).  As an adult, this whole Wood Badge experience has given me many opportunities to expand my comfort zone and grow in a safe environment – much like what the scouting program is supposed to do for our boys.  So it’s not hard for me to want to do this again (as a Scribe) and again (Troop Guide/Bears) and again (Troop Guide/Beavers) and again (now as SPL).

Is that what your scouting program is doing for your boys? …making them want to come and join in again and again and again?  If not, why not?  Is there something you should be doing differently?  Or better?  Or not at all?  Could your own personal life benefit from some leadership hints and tips? Maybe sharpen a few skills or discover some you didn’t even know you had?  What if you let yourself find what more there is to know and learn by attending Wood Badge?

Read the comments from our Course Assessment below as see what others thought:

“I have seen the leadership principles before but not thought about how they apply to young men, that was so helpful.”

“I learned how to better communicate and lead.  Being a good mentor is important to the success of the young men we work with.  Leaving a legacy is also important.  We need to let people know we truly care.”

“I learned more about the proper way to lead a scout program, how to make my job easier and scouting more fun for the boys.”

“I recommend Wood Badge to other leaders!”

“This will benefit me in so many other areas than just scouting.”

“The material allowed me to look inside my self and soul, to see that there is still room to improve on taking and giving direction, listening to and providing feedback.”

“It would be great if all the leaders involved in my scout units would also attend.”

“I think that everything taught in this course is very helpful to not only scouting but every aspect of life.”

“I can’t wait to go home and spread the knowledge and enthusiasm with my other leaders.”

“While this has given me a direction in which to go in scouting, it is also very useful to use in my business as well.”

“Great program for sharing the vision.”

“I’m glad I attended. It way exceeded my expectations. Good to be around like-minded scouters and re-learn why I love scouting.”

“I will be better able to mentor those scouting leaders I work with.”

“It was great to build upon my scouting knowledge and leadership skills.”

“Thank you so much for a great and lasting experience.”

“I was able to learn the structure of both Varsity and Venturing. I never looked into it until coming here…”

“I have a little more appreciation of scouting beyond the Boy Scout family.”

“My knowledge and experience in limited. It was nice to get a broader exposure.”


“The course was extremely inspirational and motivating. Many great take-aways!”

“Thanks for the amazing memories and lasting friendships.”

“Thank you Thank you Thank you!”

“I wish all leaders in scouting could/would take this training.”

“Thank you for bringing together such a wonderful and diverse group. I was taught by you as instructors and by the spirit.”

“This was a wonderful setting and even better than the professional training we’d spend lots of money for.”

“This course has been terrific. Thank you to everyone that has been involved. I am now very pro-Wood Badge. I will walk away from this experience a better person. Wood Badge has changed my life.”

“Just thank you for all your work and for making our experience so fun…”

“This whole experience was outstanding. I only wished, at times, that we had a little more time to digest things before moving on. Otherwise, very well done. I’m better for having attended!”

“I appreciate the passion this staff had for scouting. I will never forget it. Wood Badge and the staff will forever be in my heart.”

“You touched me deeply – especially with Mr. Holland’s Opus”

“Thank you! I am forever inspired and changed.”

So let me ask the question again… is Wood Badge training for you?

I’d firmly say YES!!

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