We had a few boys get only a partial for Archery at scout camp this summer. The primary reason was too many kids and not enough time to complete requirement 5f during the open sessions at Steiner. That’s understandable – it’s a popular choice for junior bowmen.
I also want to applaud the staff for keeping the bar high and making the boys actually complete the badge’s requirements as expected. If they didn’t hit the target to score enough points, they didn’t get the blue card signed-off…exactly how it should be!
So how ’bout getting this badge done without waiting until scout camp next summer!? You can accomplish this at Salt Lake Archery on 2200 South. One of their youth programs is working on the Archery merit badge. According to their website, it says:
“Scouts can do everything they need to do to get their merit badges at Salt Lake Archery. We build arrows, learn about building strings, and shoot. Merit badge classes are by appointment only. It usually takes two sessions to complete the badge. One session is used to build the arrow and string and the other is used for shooting. If necessary, additional shooting sessions can be arranged.”
If all you need is the target portion to complete this badge (requirement 5f), give them a call for Open Public Shooting schedules and cost information! 801-486-8242