Over the course of a boy scout’s trail to Eagle, we spend a lot of time working on outdoor skills, survival strategies and handicraft-type merit badges. Speaking from personal experience, there is much opportunity that can be missed if these activities are not done with a spiritual element involved…no matter the religion. That’s where programs like Duty to God, Heart of Scouting and other religiously focused tools can help promote values and “spiritual badges” such as:
- Appreciation of Serving Others merit badge
- Strong Work Ethic merit badge
- Loving the Scriptures merit badge
- Practical Leadership Experience merit badge
- Meaningful Prayer merit badge
- Spiritual Experiences merit badge
I was once an Assistant Varisty Scout Coach for six years (2001-07) and thought scouting was only about teaching the boys how to camp, cook and get along in the wild for a few days. Since then, I have discovered it is so much more!! It was only after reading Trails To Testimony, attending Wood Badge and working for the Heart of Scouting pin that I really began to catch the vision. I saw how these spiritual badges are important too and that they should be the foundation for everything else to be built upon. How else does a boy live the Scout Oath and Law in his everyday life??
While looking for merit badges for my sons I stumbled across your blog. Thanks for all the info on where to go in the valley for some really fun merit badges. I did wonder though about the spiritual ones. So they carry them in the store? How do I find out more about them?
Jen Stauffer
Thanks for the feedback! I often wonder if anyone is reading this…
To answer your question, no, those “badges” aren’t physically awarded. They are earned in a boy’s heart if his leaders are trained and exercising the program the way it was meant to be. Find out if your son’s leaders have completed Wood Badge…and if they haven’t, ask them why not?! Help them know how important it is that “every boy deserves a trained leader”.