If your Varsity Team wants to do more canyoneering and you need to develop your skills to do it more safely, take a look at the courses offered by Dark Horse Leadership. These Guides and Instructors are certified by ACA, the American Canyoneering Association. Among the many classes and workshops Dark Horse organizes, they have a technical canyoneering one specifically for scout leaders. In short, here’s what their website says about this course:
“It’s a 2-day fast-track course that covers materials from the ACA’s Technical Canyoneering, Advanced and Self-Rescue Courses. This scout leader course emphasizes the skills needed to offer a safe experience for boys and leaders alike.”
I went to their Introduction to Canyoneering workshop last week and loved it. The content was just right for an introductory session. The pace was perfect to cover a variety of basics while the hands-on instruction helped me understand some of the mechanics behind the ropes and riggings. I was also very impressed with our instructor, Clarke Wiscombe. He has a tremendous wealth of knowledge, tons of experience and a personality that made this experience fun and exciting. The workshops are hosted by Out-N-Back on State Street in Orem while other coursework is done on the rocks in nearby canyon locations.
I’m glad Clarke and company are willing to take the time to teach a newbie about canyoneering! Now I want to sign up for this scout leader course!!